Sunday, November 1, 2009

Community Event #4: "HU Halloween Party"

On Thursday Night, October 29, at Harrisburg U there was a Halloween party held down on the first floor cafeteria. It was fun getting to see a lot of people dressed up for party. There was some great costumes, somebody dressed up like a chick magnet, very cool. I dressed up like Wolverine from the X-Men movie, getting that hair down wasn't easy. They was free food, drinks, candy, and music, and of course they played Michael Jackson's Thriller. Yes, I will admit I know the dance steps to Thriller and I'm sure someone got it on video. It was a lot of fun and I got to know people more at HU.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Community Event #3: "Experience Harrisburg Job Fair "

Back last Thursday, October 22nd, me and others from HU went to the Experience Harrisburg Job Fair that was happening in downtown Harrisburg. We all met up in the First Floor at HU and they split us up in groups of about 30. Our first stop was at Metro Bank. I really didn't have any interest for any of the businesses there, but lucky me Mary Kay Cosmetics came near me and some classmates to fill out a small form to help get the ball rolling for us. At least I got a free sample of Domain cologne.

At the Whitaker Center, we were greeted by AFLAC who came to us more than us going to them. I thought I'd give it a shot and just see what I can get with my resume, turns out I'm having a meeting with them next Thursday, cool. After Whitaker we checked other venues with businesses like abc27, CAI, WITF Inc, Hollywood Casino, and Hershey Entertainment & Resorts. My main interest was Hershey Entertainment, but unfortunately they didn't have any offerings open at the moment, maybe next time. I thought the event was fun, got free stuff, got my name out to different businesses, and got free pizza at the end.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Community Event #2: "Cousin's Sunday Soccer "

On Sunday at around 1:30 in the afternoon, I went with some family members to watch my young cousin, Maddie, play on her soccer team, The Spirits. She was really hustling for the ball, worked hard, and gave it her best at every attempt. I wondered though how going to the soccer encompasses with my major in New Media Design. If I had a digital camera or a video camera, I could have images and video from the game and use it to for slide shows, video taping of outdoor activity within the young generation for a website on after school activities for elementary schools.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Community Event #1: "First Friday"

Today my classmate, Sean Ruth, and I picked as our first Community Event for Seminar class to be the Harrisburg "First Friday" Art Exhibit. I've been to these before in Lancaster and the streets were packed with people. This time around, not so much. The first stop we made was at the Whitaker Center with there "Retrospective Art Exhibition". We looked around at some of the artwork displayed and we agreed on which ones we liked by artists Nancy Agati, Janice Radocha, and David Sponseller.

We then walked down 2nd street to try to find another exhibit, until we were commented by a elderly man, who obviously was spending some time near Jack Daniels, who said we had too much weight. Luckily, I calmed myself down from lashing out on him. We then went to the Midtown Scholar Bookstore & Reading Cafe. We saw some interesting pictures taken at oil rigs, and other heavy machinery plants. After looking around the store and trying to find others to talk to, we had no luck. We decided to try another exhibit at the Susquehanna Art Museum, only to find out that it was closed although it said it'd be open 5-8 for the exhibit. I guess they didn't get the memo. After walking around, trying to find another exhibit, we headed back to Harrisburg U. It wasn't a complete loss, as Sean & I gained networking from each other. We know we can help each other later in the future in our careers.